O-Megi (millet) Rice Cake | Korean Products

August 12, 2014

[INQ. NO. 1408C01] The O-MEGI means ‘millets’ in Jeju Island. The O-MEGI rice cake was originally the base cake for O-MEGI wine. The millets powder was kneaded with hot water, then it became donut-shaped dough which was an important material for traditional O-MEGI wine. People preciously ate it between meals during the hardship periods. Beginning the simple base dough, the O MEGI rice cake is now popular as well-being food added with whole Azuk-beans, mugworts and beats , which are cultivated in the unpolluted and pristine environment of Jeju. The rice cake, totally from preservatives, can be eaten as a meal in itself with a high nutritional value. Main ingredients include Azuki bean (Korea, Jeju) 43%; Azuki bean paste (Korea, Jeju) 21%; sticky rice (Korea) 21%; mugworts (Jeju)11%; millets (Jeju) 4,2%; salt (Korea) 0.4%; sugar (Korea) 0.4%.

1408C01http://korean-products.com/inquiryThe mugworts have long been used medicinally, especially by Chinese, Japanese and Koreans, as traditional medicine for plain, non-medicinal consumption. In Korea, mugworts, called Ssuk, are still used as a staple ingredient in many dishes including rice cakes and soup. O-Megi rice cake manufacturer harvests mugworts from the beaches in Jeju and dries them in the onshore breezes.

The ‘Azuki bean’ also known as adzuki or aduki, is an annual vine, Vignaangularis, widely grown throughout Jeju Island for its highest grade of bean. The azuki bean is often boiled with sugar, resulting in red bean paste and also used full of grain commonly eaten sweetened.

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