Korean Foodstuffs | Korean Products

August 30, 2013

http://korean-products.com/inquiry[INQ. NO. 1308C13] Green Export Farming Association is located in Suncheon, Jeolla province, one of the major eco cities of Korea and home to beautiful Suncheon Bay, which has been gaining international recognition as a natural eco-system and protected wetland in South Korea.

Green Farmhas provided quality Koreantraditionalfermentedfoodstuffs on the basis of time-honoredKorean culinary culture, including the following:

201308E_Jeollanamdo24Reed Root Wine : This is premium wine made by fermenting ingredients such as glutinous rice, malt and reed root bythe low-temperature ripening method for a long stretch of time.

The very natural ingredientsproduce the wine’s unique mellow and savory taste and flavor, which lingerin the mouth.

The root of the reed has long been used to make Chinese medicine as it is rich in sugar, protein and inorganic salt and is effective as a remedy for diuresis, hemostasis, anti-inflammation and detoxification.This wine is also good for relieving fatigue and helps digestion if you drink it after a meal.

201308E_Jeollanamdo23Green Tea Wine : This wine is made by fermenting Korean-grown rice and high-quality green tea leaves by the low-temperature ripening method.It is good for relieving fatigue and helps digestion if you drink it after meal.

In particular, the active ingredients in green tea are the polyphenols called catechins, which is
good for relieving a hangover.





201308E_Jeollanamdo25Deodeok Wine : The main ingredients of this wine are Koreangrown rice and Deodeok (the mountain herb whose roots have restorative properties).

The wine has a savory and rich taste that is smooth to swallow. Thanks to the restorative properties of Deodeok, it is good for relieving fatigue and helps digestion if you drink it after meal. Weight: 375ml x 3


201308E_Jeollanamdo21Green Tea Salt : Green tea salt contains nutritional contents of green tea. It also gets rid of the typical strong odor of meat, making the meat tender.

You can use it for cooking various dishes, including meat, fish, stew and vegetables. Its green
color is reminiscent of tea farms. Weight: 300g



201308E_Jeollanamdo19Sun-dried salt : This sun-dried salt does not have bitter flavor as its bitterness and impurities have been removed for more than three years.

The salt has been refined only by natural breezes and sunlight.








201308E_Jeollanamdo20Citron Tea : Citron tea contains three times the amount of vitamin C found in a lemon, so it is proven to be effective in skin care and preventing colds. In addition, citron tea has a lot of organic acid that has anti-aging and fatigue-relief effects.

You can dilute it with hot water in winter and colder water in summer. Alternatively, it is good for people to have it with yogurt, honey tea even and wine. Content: 1kg x 2EA, 580g x 1EA

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