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Wheelchair Power Assist[INQ. NO. 2110C05] SERVEKID is a wheelchair power-assist device that helps those who use manual wheelchairs to travel long distances and drive freely. What sets SERVEKID apart from other products sold on the market is that it can be attached to any type of wheelchair. Also, the product’s docking system ensures a secure connection to the wheelchair without requiring a separate bracket. The wheelchairs can thus be used in their original form when the SERVEKID is detached and not used.
As SERVEKID was made for the disabled where safety is a priority, more focus was placed on power (torque) that allows wheelchairs to go over hills and obstacles than at fast speed.
SERVEID can help disabled persons who use wheelchairs travel longer distances and contribute to improving their sociability, mobility, and independence.

Neo LFN Corp. has since 2011 been developing these manual wheelchair power-assisted devices and is manufacturing, importing, and selling various welfare devices and assistive devices aiming to improve the mobility of the disabled. | Blog Magazine of Korean products, brands and Goods

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