Traditional Korean Sauces & Pastes | Korean Products

November 18, 2014

[INQ. NO. 1411C30] Daeduck Food provides traditional fermented Korean sauces and pastes such as doenjang (soybean paste), ganjang (soy sauce) and gochujang (red pepper paste).

First, the block of fermented soybeans, which is fermented by natural microorganisms is made by using home-grown quality soybeans as main ingredients and goes through a series of processes – steaming, forming and natural fermentation.

Traditional-Korean-Sauces-&-Pastes (soybean paste) is made by adding some saline solution to the naturally fermented soybean block, which is then stored in a Korean crock called Jangdok to be ripened for 40 days from the first month of the year. After completing the ripening process, the fermented soybean blocks are removed from the crock after which they also go through another ripening process for two months. On removing the fermented soybean blocks, Ganjang (soy sauce) remains are simmered on low heat and stored for more than 30 days before packaging.

Gochujang (red pepper paste) is made by fermenting ground red peppers and boiled malt in a Korean crock for more than three months.

Cheonggukjang (fermented soybeans) is made by naturally fermenting 100% locally produced soybeans through strict selection standards.

The salt that is used to manufacture the Korean sauces and pastes is the bittern-free salt so that all of the company’s products provide a smooth and deep taste. | Blog Magazine of Korean products, brands and Goods

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