Baby Mat | Korean Products

November 24, 2022 Kids’ Play Mat
[INQ. NO. 2211C29] ALZiP Zero Mat is a new product released in 2020 that overcomes the inconvenience of existing folding-type baby mats, which are the most popular play mats in Korea.

It prevents pollutants or dust from getting inside or stuck as it has no cracks and seams on the front or back. And since it has no openings or cracks, consumers do not have to worry about children’s feet getting stuck, which makes it a safe product that is easy to manage. The convenient zipper makes it easy to remove and wash the cover and move and store the mat after use.



In addition, the interior material is made with a 9-layer egg-shaped structure, which effectively absorbs shock.

Coming in two colors including Urban Milk and Urban Gray, it gives any home a classy and sophisticated atmosphere. The Alzip Zero Mat, which resolved the burden of cleaning the inside of the mat and washing it with an innovative full cover, is receiving rave reviews and praise from mothers with babies.



ALZiP Woodley Baby Room maximizes the benefits of both wood and plastic, including the simplicity and elegance of wood and the practicality of plastic. It provides a safe and comfortable space for young children who have just started to crawl and walk.

The safety fence, 67.3cm tall and linear, keeps children safe as it is not easy to climb onto or over. The triple lock system prevents children, from babies who crawl to those who started walking, from opening the door. The safety holder keeps the fences locked tight with one another and the silicon non-slip blocks that come with the product effectively prevent slipping. | Blog Magazine of Korean products, brands and Goods

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